Beckett GeniSys® Burner Primary Safety Controls

R.W. Beckett’s burner controls were created with customer satisfaction and safety in mind. Our entire suite of burner controls utilizes the most current technology to safely control the combustion process.

Available in both AC and DC voltages for off-grid applications, our controls are suitable for a multitude of needs. Our new GeniSys® model 7565 Advanced Burner Control is compatible with the myTechnician™ app for modernized accessibility. The app assists with diagnostics, troubleshooting, and more. With applicable uses of our controls ranging from residential homes to commercial buildings, to process applications R.W. Beckett can meet your demands. Our multitude of models offer both fixed and programmable options and serve as a direct replacement for many competitive combustion controls.


Interrupted | Intermittent


Fixed | Programmable




Residential Heating  |  Commercial Heating / Steam  |  Road Maintenance  |  Heated Pressure Washing  | Agriculture/Greenhouse  |  Construction  |  Food Processing | Automotive

Featured Product

GeniSys® 7590 24V Gas Burner Control

GeniSys® 7590 24V Gas Burner Control

The Beckett GeniSys® 7590 Gas Power Burner Control is a safety control designed for use on gas power burners. This control is intended for use in residential and light commercial gas heating applications. Applications may include boilers, furnaces, water heaters, space heating and commercial cooking equipment. The 7590 provides supervision of a separate 120 VAC igniter, a 120 VAC combustion blower motor, a 24 VAC gas valve and 24 VAC connections for an air proving switch (on 7590 C, D). The control uses flame rectification principles to prove the presence of the burner flame. Basic diagnostic information is provided through 3 LEDs. Additional diagnostic information and control setup will be available through the BeckettLink 7700A diagnostic tool.

Beckett Burner Primary Safety Controls

Fuel Type

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Beckett solutions are available through our network of Distributors, Independent Representatives, and Export Representatives all around the world.