Start Helper

A solid-state, self-regulating heating element inside the Start Helper maintains the temperature of oil in the nozzle line. As the temperature of the oil drops, the heat output from the Start Helper increases to maintain a constant temperature.

The Start Helper is continuously powered, assuring that the burner will start with a warm nozzle at all times. With the aid of the Start Helper the burner will ignite and run with a more consistent oil spray pattern until shutoff.

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Start Helper Parts List

  • Ty-wrap 12975 — qty: 3
  • Clamp 21670 — qty: 1
  • Screw 8-32 NC x 1 PN HD MCHN 4239 — qty: 2
  • START HELPER 21671 — qty: 1
  • Shrink tubing 2” 21770 — qty: 1
    • for AFII burner only


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